[MTS] Nursing and Residential Triage FAQs
Nursing and Residential Triage FAQs
- [MTS] How do I become a Lead Organisation for the Nursing and Residential Tool?
- [MTS] How do I train my team in a Nursing Home to use the NaRT tool
- [MTS] I am an instructor and can't remember how to access/navigate the website?
- [MTS] I am unable to access a GP for an amber outcome, what do I do?
- [MTS] I'm not a clinician and don't feel comfortable making a clinical decision.
- [MTS] If I use the tool and it advises me to contact a GP, can I still ring 999 if I have any concerns?
- [MTS] Setting up as a NaRT Home Or setting up the MTS Nursing and Residential Tool (NaRT) in your area
- [MTS] What benefit would using the Nursing and Residential Tool have?
- [MTS] What time frame do I need to wait if I come out at an amber response?