Potential instructors have 4 years from the date of their provider course to complete the GIC and two IC courses.
We can offer a 6 month grace period for you to complete your 2nd IC, if you have already completed your GIC and 1st IC by your deadline. Please just ensure you complete the instructor e-modules and familiarise yourself with the teaching materials before you attend your 2nd IC.
If you have been off work on maternity leave or for any long-term periods of sick leave, we can offer an extension for the length of time that you were off work for. Please just email into enquiries@alsg.org for written confirmation of this.
If any of the above is not relevant to your situation, we cannot offer you an extension to complete your instructor training. Please re-attend the provider course and gain another Instructor Potential recommendation. You will then have a further 4 years from the date of your provider course to complete your instructor training.
You won't need to complete the GIC again if you have already completed this. Once you are re-recommended, you will be sent the recommendation email which includes the Fast Track form link for you to complete and jump straight back to IC status. We recommend that both ICs are completed within 2 years of each other so you can get the most out of them.
If you have any queries which are not covered by the above information, please email us at enquiries@alsg.org.
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