Provider Course Instructors who have taught on a minimum of four provider courses (*NLS instructors must have taught on 8 courses) within any of the participating groups as a full Instructor are eligible to teach on a GIC as an Instructor Course Instructor Candidate (ICIC).
All GIC ICs will be required to satisfactorily teach on a maximum of two GICs before full GIC Instructor status is granted.
Prospective GIC ICs will need to apply for this position. If you currently teach on an ALSG provider course and have taught on at least 4 courses as a Full Instructor, please email us at to apply. We will give you access to the GIC e-modules, which you will need to complete as your first step to becoming a GIC instructor. Once you have completed these, please send us your GIC e-module completion certificate and we will process your GIC IC status.
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