Instructors earn 1 x ALSG teaching credit for each course day they instruct on. Instructors are allowed to teach on single days of courses, as long as they teach on the minimum requirement for their provider course type (see below).
Credibility: Instructors are required to teach on one course each year, for each ALSG provider course type they teach on.
There is no annual teaching requirement for the Facilitation course, GIC, 1-day provider courses or recertification courses, but instructors will still earn ALSG teaching credits by teaching on these courses.
Commitment: Instructors are required to earn 5 x ALSG teaching credits every 2 years. This is the minimum commitment for maintaining instructor status. It is acknowledged that many instructors may benefit their own CPD by teaching on more courses and also by supporting allied courses such as the GIC, PLS etc.
Currency: For ALSG VLE format courses, instructors will be required to complete the e-module topics every 2 years. Instructors will earn 1 x ALSG teaching credit for completing all of the e-modules.
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