Instructors are due to recertify their instructor status every 4 years as part of the Instructor Activity Regulations. Even if you are a Course Director and/or regularly direct or teach on the course, you are still required to recertify every 4 years.
When you become a Full Instructor or recertify on a course, an updated instructor certificate should appear on your Resources page. This is how you know when you last recertified, and therefore when you are next due for recertification.
To access your instructor certificate, please follow these steps:
- Log into
- Hover over ‘Instructors start here’
- Click ‘Resources’
- Scroll through the relevant section for your course type
- You should see a certificate link along the lines of 'APLS Full Instructor Certificate 2024' or ‘APLS Recertified Instructor Certificate 2024’
If you have any queries regarding your instructor recertification, please contact us at
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